Peer Review + Changes - Pestilence
After I finished all of my editing and uploaded the video onto YouTube, I conducted a preview of the opening sequence with a select group of people. After they saw the opening sequence, I had them review their thoughts on it. Here's what they all thought!
"Looks good" - Riley
“I really enjoyed this. The phone thing kinda confused me. What language?”- Connor
“The camera work along with the audio work really made it an entertaining film that tied me in, great film”- Jordan
“The film was very good and incorporated some really unique shots” - Natalie
“That was good. it was intriguing and engaging, maybe the only suggestion I have is to make what digital phantom at the end is saying clearer, but that maybe on purpose” -Alexqueincoperstt
“The concept and editing are very creative and catch your attention, great job” - Ms. Carmichael
“I’m enjoying the beginning sequence and want more of the story!” - Ms. Parisi
“so so creative wow impressive” - Caila C.
So far, all positive reviews, but there were also some suggestions for us to consider before considering our film final. They included the inclusion of subtitles during the automated voice message in Japanese and shorter titles.
To point out what Alexqueincoperstt said in their review, yes, Digital Phantom's voice intelligibility varies from the inside of the theatre to the original shot of him delivering his "When would it be a perfect time" speech. It was intentional to give away the fact that the voice was, in fact, coming out of the movie theatre's speaker in the first place.