Music Video - Inception
The editing process was able to start after filming the required footage from Set 1.
Before opening the Premiere project, I needed to import the footage into the editing computer. As mentioned in an earlier blog, Owlfiles was selected to establish an FTP connection with the editing computer. The transfer process between the iPhone and the editing computer was seamless. I transferred the footage from the Blackmagic Camera app. All I needed to do was tap the "Share" button, select the "Save to Owlfiles" option, and select the appropriate folder.
I then copied the clips into the drive of the editing computer. To start with editing, I dragged the clips into the Premiere project and sorted the clips for approval. I omitted 19 of the 48 clips shot on Set 1 since there were deficiencies with those clips, which rendered them unsuitable to add to the video.
The approved clips were next added to the timeline. Select clips required stabilization, so I used the Warp Stabilizer effect to stabilize those clips. The Warp Stabilizer effect does an excellent job of stabilizing shaky clips, effectively removing the inability to use those clips in the music video. Premiere analyzed the clips before they could be completely stabilized, which took a few minutes, but in the meantime, I could still work with the video.
Apart from clip stabilization, a clip also required masking. In this clip, the fairy is visible after an apparent point where the fairy's body is supposed to be out of sight from Character 1, who happens to be me. I manually traced the mask and then tracked it automatically with Premiere. The tracking process took time, enough for you to grab a coffee and do something else.
After the mask was tracked, I took a still of one of the frames and used it to fill in the masked portion of the clip. Below is a side-by-side comparison of the clip before and after the mask was applied.
The music clip was slightly extended after applying the mask, and the remix settings were modified. Finally, I put various clips in order in the timeline.
To conclude, this blog has gone over the first half of the editing process. The editing process should be completed within two days. The blog after the next blog will feature the public release of the music video, yet to be titled. The video will be available right here on the blog, so stay tuned to see this rather unique music video!