Group Blog - Music Video

At last! It is now time to get started on a new production! I am excited to start with it. The idea of producing a music video based on a story is an intriguing project. 

I wanted to see if I could work with some other classmates on this project. However, I settled on working alone after being unable to find others who would be able to work on this project with me. I do want to play it safe and work with people I know. I was unfortunately not able to since they were already in groups with others. 

I intend to find other actors to help aid with the production of this music video. More on that will be discussed in a later blog.

The preliminary idea, of course, took some deep thinking. A suitable song needs to be selected, to make a music video appropriate for creating a story. They also had to fit in between the 1-minute and 10-second minimum to the 1-minute and 15-second maximum runtime.

One thing to note is that being able to shorten the song seamlessly is not so hard of a task. I would first identify the parts of the song that seem to be the most important to include in the film. I will then take out or condense some parts of a song that lengthens the film beyond 1:15. As long as it fits within the duration guidelines, flows through seamlessly, and allows a platform for a story to be written, the song will be a good candidate to make a music video out of.

Of the at least 8 songs that I have thought about using for the music video, one stood out to meet all the criteria needed for the video. The song I have decided to go with is Ballads by ENRA and dr. niar. Ballads is a Lofi track released in 2021 that I recently stumbled upon while listening to music. The full track of the song can be shown here:

This Lofi track sets a platform for various stories to be written. The stories could range from just a simple trip to the beach to a walk out in the forest. As of right now, I have yet to come up with a final story. However, this will be discussed in a later blog. I look forward to seeing how this project progresses!

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