Production Blog - Finalization - 16 3/4

It is about time to release 16 3/4! Before release, however, there needs to be a few more things to get done before the film gets released. The first thing I have done is show a pre-release film of 16 3/4 to select friends. The reactions have been positive so far! Not too many specifics on what others have said, but they said that the film was good overall. After that, I reviewed the current film to see if there was any part of an era of my life taking up a large part of space in the film. There ended up being some portions of the film that prioritized a specific era of my life than other eras. I had examined to see if there was any images that seemed repetitive or unneccessary, and some images had to be swapped with new ones due to this reason.

I had found additional media to put on the film. Originally, the film was supposed to be 47 seconds long. To be able to add in the additional media, however, the film was extended to 56 seconds. This did not cause any issue to the current goal that was set. The film stayed within 60 seconds. Additionally, the song that was inserted was also flexible enough to seamlessly shorten and lengthen to accomodate for the film.

A piece of media, found in the beginning of the film, was a clip that my mother took of myself back in 2011. Here, I was watching one of the first YouTube videos I had ever watched in my life. The video I was watching in particular is a fire alarm enthusiast performing a system demonstration of a fire alarm system. This particular system is a usual hobbyist system designed for testing assorted fire alarm devices and settings. This video is one of the earliest videos that mark my interest in fire alarm/emergency communications systems.

This will be the last production blog for 16 3/4. The film releases right here on the blog tomorrow. I'm very excited to showcase it here once it is done!

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