Production Blog - The Refreshed Plan - All About Me Commercial

Today, I will be revisiting the plans from my Research + Planning blog. I had previously mentioned that the format of the video would consist of me speaking into the camera, while showing relavent photos and videos of myself over time. However, this idea does not sound like it would work out well for the commercial. I have determined that this specific format will ultimately make the video longer than what a commercial would usually last. I see that the entire point is to showcase all about myself and my entire life so far in a short period of time.

What's the new plan?

The new plan is to instead make a short and simple simple video slideshow. To preserve time, I will be eliminating any narration altogether. I am planning to follow a chronological order, where I will pick out a few photos and videos from a year, or a range of select years, and then feature them on the video from oldest to newest. My goal is to essentially showcase the highlights of my life in a short period of time. A portion of these highlights will definitely reflect my interests and passions.

Have you found any media yet?

I actually have one piece of media that I do want to use in my video. This specific piece of media shows an interest that I have had since 2015, and that is my continued interest in trains. Shown here is a picture from April 14th, 2017, from when I went on a mini-trip on the Tri-Rail commuter train from Fort Lauderdale to KMIA and back. I was not going to catch any flight, it was just a simple train trip to from the station to Downtown Miami (via Metrorail) and back. This particular picture is when I had the given privilege from the train engineer of sitting in the cab of cab car No. 511:

I also have several pieces of media from when I was both in elementary and middle school. This will, of course, take some time to handpick, so I will post an update regarding that in a future production blog post.

What music are you putting in?

I am now thinking about adding in music that gives a sense of nostalgia and tranquility. I am most likely going to be adding in lo-fi due to how there are various tracks avaliable that are able to deliver just that. Back in the pandemic, I used to enjoy listening nonstop to various lo-fi tracks on repeat. Some of which especially gave certain feelings of nostalgia and tranquility. This is still the case today, just that I now have taste in other types of music now.

The final product of this project is going to be an interesting result. Something that goes over my whole life so far in a nostalgic and calm way. So far, this is all for today!

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